AMVT Mini Color sorter RGB+Shape:
High-resolution, full color RGB CCD sorter base model with following configurations:
a. 2 high resolution RGB CCD cameras (2048 pixels/camera)
b. High density ejectors (32 air ejectors)
c. Full vision image processing system capable of sorting a variety of defects
d. Multiple sorting modes for different sorting requirements
e. LED lighting for less maintenance
f. Artificial intelligence for learning patterns
g. Ability to sort by size
Depending on separations, capacity ranges from 150 lbs. per hour to 1,200.
Have a question about whether it will sort your seed, send us a sample (approx. 5lbs.) and we will run it, make a video of it running and ship it back.
Cost is for machine only. Other costs including shipping, packaging and setup are additional and depend upon your location. Please ask for a quotation.